Want some excellent Carly Rae Jepsen music for your playlists? Need essential listening to get used to this artist’s work? Well here’s a list of great songs to get you started.

“Good Time” is an incredible shock that was released after the megahit “Call Me Maybe”. Jepsen was joined by Owl City for a song that was a glorious mash-up. It’s a fun banger of a song that is a popular danceable tune. And it led to Jepsen reinventing herself into the pop star she is today.

Next, make sure to check out “I Really LIke You”. It’s an example of the love songs that Jepsen is best known for as she often sings about love in all it’s forms. It shows Jepsen in a moment of temperance where she talks about how you shouldn’t rush into love too soon. And the music video has excellent work by Tom Hanks.

“Run Away With Me” is an example of Jepsen’s range as an artist. It doesn’t rely on subversion to get into your head with its hidden emotional depth. It isn’t a love song but it does talk about desperation, fealty, and freedom. And it has an excellent saxophone that supports a song about giving live your all. It’s a song that’s well loved for showing that you can still feel bright no matter what.

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